Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Fall, Now Fire

Not to be outdone by Conan and Melissa's kids, we needed a fire of our own to feel successful this year. I mean the tree fall and break of the ornaments (still painful, but I am working to get over it) just wasn't enough. We weren't sure when we were going to do it, but Friday seemed like a good time . . .

Last Friday (pizza night at the MS Heiselt home) Eric had made pizza and we were waiting to put it in the oven. The kids were sweetly playing in their rooms (really!) and Eric and I were enjoying having a conversation without interuption (it really happened!). I looked over and saw what I thought was an electric light show in our oven. It was flashing and going crazy. I mentioned it to Eric and that's when we saw the sparks.

Eric, being the boy at heart that he is, wanted to open the oven. Not wanting to catch our entire kitchen on fire, I opted for the turn off the oven and let's wait idea.

We discovered that our oven filament burned out and so we are currently living without the use of an oven. On the positive side, our stove is separate, so we still have that. As we are considering what to do in the meantime, we have learned the following.

1. They do not make filaments for our brand of oven.

2. Our oven is old and they no longer make that size of oven anymore.

3. A new oven will not fit in our cabinets so we will have to have them re-done.

4. The three cabinet makers in our town (did I mention it was a small town?) are booked until March. But, they assured me that in March, I would be first on their list!

5. I use my oven more than I thought I did. One of those "you don't know what you have until you don't have it anymore" things!

6. Eric's birthday is on Monday. I may have to buy him a cake.

I would appreciate any advice on oven shopping, cabinet making, or anything else you'd like to share. The plan is to hit Lowe's and Sears again this weekend to see what we can do.

I love Heavenly Father, he keeps life fun!