I just returned from a weeklong experience that changed me forever. First, I went to Hilton Head, South Carolina. It was beautiful. Flying over the water made me think about the TV show "Lost" and what I would do if we didn't quite make it to the island! After two presentations, numerous meetings, networking, visiting with students, and just being busy I was able to get home.
After arriving home I immediately orchestrated Bryton's family birthday extravaganza to a local corn maze (photos to come). We had a great time, but weren't joined by Emoree due to her having the flu bug. After Bryton's party, I had a day to unpack and repack. Get the house somewhat in order and get set to leave again. This time I headed to Drew, Mississippi where along with 5 students and an MSU staff member, I helped make a child's dream come true.
The Catch-A-Dream organization, similar to the Make-A-Wish foundation furnished Carter, an 11-year old with hydrocephaleous (sp?), dream to harvest a deer. Over three days (Friday, Saturday, with a very late return on Monday morning) we visited with Carter, Carter's parents (Nicole and Larry), and worked with the staff of Mallard Manor (where we were staying). It was an amazing experience. While not a hunter myself, I learned all about hunting. I watched as a family bonded over what to some could be a very strange experience. While I am not the biggest hunter, I recognize that if you had one last wish in the world, and you wanted it to be hunting with your family, then I say, go get that wish. I will post pictures soon as I want you to see the beauty that I had a chance to watch.
Oh, and by the way . . . after I got home (about 2:30) I got my p.j.'s on and was ready to crash. Emoree came in and told me Shae had thrown up. I was on such an adrenaline high that cleaning up the vomit soaked Shae (as well as her bed) didn't even phase me. . .
Update -- Carter harvested a deer this morning (after we left) and he couldn't have been happier. The deer will be processed into meat for his family to eat this winter. Be thankful for all you have. We are all truly blessed.