First, an update on the crew.
Eric - Doing well at work, 4 classes left of PhD coursework (WAHOO!), got to travel to DC and was on CSPAN.
April - Was in the news a bunch, got a $355,000 grant, and is working toward tenure!
Emoree- Unfortunately, everything was cancelled this month for Emoree. She was supposed to have her first dance at school, her first YW campout, and her first band concert with the high school. Next month is looking up! She did, however, get a 100% on her Algebra Test as the only 7th grader in an all 8th grade class. YIPPEE!
Bryton- Was a rocket reader this month and is doing great in math. He is making friends and enjoying Scouts.
Shae- Was picked as the Kid of the Month for her class (a very prestigious honor). She is becoming a great reader and is a diva in every sense of the word!
And now.... our newest family member... (at least until December)...
Love you all!
p.s. Esther had a grand mal (sp?) seizure and is spending next week at the children's hospital in Memphis. Please keep her in your prayers.