Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bryton is learning to fish

We are so excited that Bryton is learning to fish. Many thanks to our friend, Van Mitchell for being such a great and encouraging teacher.


Jodie said...

SOOO fun! Good catch, Bryton!

Bente said...

Way to go, Bryton!

Missy said...

That's so cool! I wish we knew someone who could teach our kids to fish! Neils is enthralled. But then, who would eat them? I guess we'd be the catch-and-release kinds of fishers. Great catch, Bryton!

~ Wiles ~ said...

Wow! Look at all those fish! Your kiddos are getting soooo BIG. It seems just like yesterday that we were in SLC. I can't believe that it has been two+ years. I hope to come visit sometime. I would love to see your pad. Just have to find a good time now that school is just around the corner and the insanity to drive 9 HOURS with Lexi by myself!!! Miss you all and as April says...Love your guts!