Monday, October 15, 2007

Bryton's Design

Bryton's School - Overstreet Elementary - held a contest for a t-shirt design. Bryton created his design and Eric helped him on the computer. The third graders voted and Bryton's design tied for first place. You are looking at the back of the soon to be Overstreet t-shirt. Pretty cool! Does anyone know how to turn pictures? We are new to this blog thing . . . !


Missy said...

That is SO cool! Rock on Bryton!

I don't use blogger, but a lot of times if you right click on an image, it gives you options to rotate it. If that doesn't work, sorry, some real blogger's going to have to give you the scoop!

micah said...

Very cool. I think Bryton should continue to develop those design skills. It is a pretty good field from what I hear.