Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Heiselt Update

Lots has happened since we last blogged. And, if Jodie can give a plain update without photos (bravo J!) then I am inspired to do it too!

Eric: New job. He is now the Director for Educational Outreach for the College of Engineering. We moved 1/2 of his office in on Monday (great FHE!) and he is having his "farewell" lunch at his old office today. He is very thrilled about this new position and cannot wait to get started. New email address to come soon. If you get a chance, ask him about it and he will tell all!

Emoree: Started 6th grade. CRAZY! Got an I-Pod Shuffle for her b-day (note: not purchased by parental units but through funding from supporting family members). She has a locker and 7 teachers. She gets her band instrument (bassoon) on Thursday. Is loving going from class to class and having friends everywhere. In fact, today, her school was flooded (probably why I have time to blog) and she was disappointed that she was not going to school! :)

Bryton: After switching teachers the second day of class (long story) he is a happy camper. Loves his new teacher and cannot wait for Scouts and soccer to start again next week. He has major teeth issues currently (can you say major ortho bills?) and will most likely have more teeth pulled and a spacer. I hear some of the Heiselt boys (Matthan?) had this too. Any words from encouraging uncles are welcome (and aunts, grandmas too for that matter)!

Shae: Holy Cow! Kindergarten. Insanity! On the second day of school she woke up and said she wanted it to be an "at home day" (not a great sign here). As it was Friday, Eric promised her that if she went to school she would not have to go for another two days (meaning two at home days). She was dressed and out the door like a flash. Way to go Eric (note: this will only work until they learn more about the days of the week in her class - RATS!). Loving her own backpack and lunch pail. Highlight of school: Naps are only 5 minutes (according to Shae)!

April: Just finished the successful Service DAWGS event (go to MSU home page and see the Picture of the Day). Had over 130 students go to 8 sites and give service. Amazing event. Preparing for another year of school and for her third year review. Cannot believe she has been a professor for going on three years now. Incredible! Is also very excited about the Olympics and all of the nephews and nieces in her future


Missy said...

Thanks for the update! It was so great to talk on the phone, but it's nice to see it in print, too. There's always extra details. Congrats on the successful events! So glad the kids are enjoying school, I cannot believe how fast they are growing up! We are SO excited for Eric and his new job. We love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Hi April! Found your blog on Kate's...I can't believe Shae is in kindergarten! Wow. I hope you guys are doing well-I see you are still in student affairs, I bet you are awesome at it! Lyndsey & Pierre