Our little guy just turned two and we are loving it (so far)! His vocabulary has spiked, he has already attempted potty work at least once, and he is really showing some of that Heiselt attitude (okay, that part we are working with). Seriously though, we had a great party. Wish you were there! Grandma H. gave punch balloons and they were a big hit (continue to be - thanks Mom!)), Grandma S. gave a wonderful Radio Flyer trike w/hat (helmet) that Isaac loves, and he received a swing for the backyard! What more could a kid want?
The Doggie (or as Isaac calls it, "Woof Woof") cake mde by the talented Eric Heiselt.
Isaac was not quite sure what to do with the cake and then when the candles were lit, I thought he was going to reach out and grab it. It took all of us blowing out the candles, and when we did -- he clapped for us!!
Good job on the cake Eric=) Such a cute little guy. He fits right in with your family. So cute!
Thanks Kara! So happy to have your love and support.
Great cake Eric! Happy happy birthday Isaac! We're so very happy you're in our family!
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