Thursday, April 24, 2008

Anyone Up For A Competition?

Hey Gang,

I am working on a community service project for the incoming first-year students (we don't call them freshmen anymore) of MSU. We have our theme for the event but are in desperate need for a logo and t-shirt design. I know many of my brothers and sisters out there are experienced t-shirt makers (ie. Heiselt Reunion shirts, cows, you get the idea) and I've heard some of you have some graphic art experience. . .I've also heard some of you are just good with crayons!

Inspired by L and M I would like to put this logo and t-shirt design competition out to you and get your input. However, this is a fast turnaround! I need your information via email (send in pdf or word format please) no later than this TUESDAY, APRIL 29th, at 7 pm, Central Standard Time. Here are the specs of the event:

Service Dawgs (who we are)

DAWGS stands for (Donating A Wonderful Gift of Service)

Monday, August 11th, 2008

8:30 Registration

9-11:30 Event

Mississippi State University

If you can leave room for logos on the back of the shirt that would be grand.

It will be a white shirt (one color front, three color back). No pocket on the shirt, but you could have a pocket design.

Our mascot is the bulldog.

You can use the M state logo, but not the others as I have to get approval from the institution.

Also inspired by L and M there will be prizes for the best logo/t-shirt. I will post the designs here online and we can vote for them.

1st Prize - Cold Stone gift certificate

2nd Prize - Blockbuster gift certificate

I will also present all of the designs to our Service Dawgs committee next week. If your design is chosen for the logo by the Service Dawg team, you will get a free t-shirt. Now, who doesn't want a free t-shirt?

So, let me know if you have any questions. . .

Otherwise, GAME ON!


Missy said...

Sorry, one last question: do the T-shirts have to have ALL the event information on them?

Missy said...

Sorry, I'm lame. Totally missed the deadline, obviously. It sounds like a great theme, and I hope you come up with something you're happy with!