Friday, December 5, 2008

Emoree's Band Concert

We went to Emoree's Band Concert last night. It was lovingly called, Christmas on the Hill. We were packed like sardines in her school gymnasium (it reminded me of the old Tabernacle on Temple Square. Did any of you ever do that?). When things got going we had a great time.

Emoree plays the bassoon in her band and did an awesome job. She also performed in the Christmas Wrap Rap (yep, Emoree rapped). It was a classic!

Now a game for you. Think back to the days of Where's Waldo? Can you find Emoree in the band picture below? (FYI - this is only half the band so I am making it easy on you).

I've also included a video clip so you can hear the band in action (please forgive the horrible video skills). Enjoy!

That's our bassoonist! Isn't she beautiful?


Kara said...

Wow emoree you did such a great job. You are so beautiful. She is starting to look just like you april!

Jodie said...

I'm sad we missed it! That is such a great picture of her--can I use that as her head shot for the flash cards this year?? She's gorgeous!

Missy said...

Emoree, you ARE beautiful inside and out! Thanks for sharing a clip, too, great job Em! But what I wanna see is Emoree Rapping! That's awesome!

I found Emoree in the Where's Waldo shot... but only after cheating by using the close-up as a reference. Yikes! What a crowd! Totally worth it for what was probably the most exciting concert of the season! Wish we could've been there.